Group 1437253067


Govern your entire IT infrastructure and operations from a single interface. Extract data from integrated assets to monitor malicious events, automate complex and time-consuming tasks and respond to threats proactively.


Bring together all your tools and applications in one single pane of glass view. Utilise machine learning and AI to provide next-gen centralised management and control of digital ecosystems. With a intuitive and customisable dashboard, simplify your management reporting seamlessly.


Benefit from more effective deployment of resources
with automated processes helping to reduce costs. With a greater resilient security posture, organisation’s can mitigate their risk exposure and protect the integrity of data with a centralised management and control approach.


Enhanced orchestration and automation helps
to speed up IT processes and increase reliability, productivity and operational efficiency. Built-in change control features also help to support processes and administration.


Organisations can also leverage intelligent automation to simplify complex and time-consuming investigative tasks and accelerate threat detection and response more quickly and proactively.

SOAR force multiplier with a centralised management and control approach

Intuitive and customisable Executive Dashboard for management reporting


Our Control module is a force multiplier with the ability to monitor real time and natively control all your solutions from one place (negating multiple toggling between systems), orchestrate and centrally manage your tasks (enabling operational efficiencies) and utilise out of the box automated and customisable ‘playbooks’ (for more effective resource utilisation).

Remove fragmentation

Connect apps, tools, and devices seamlessly for a unified view and centralised control from one unified platform

Faster and more informed decision making

Utilising real time analytics, insight and response across disparate security tools and applications

More effective resource utilisation

Utilising ‘out of the box’ automated playbooks, routine security tasks such as vulnerability scanning, can free up resources to focus on higher-value activities

Rapid deployment

With deployment within an hour instead of weeks, organisations can accelerate their internal programmes, ensuring that security systems are up and running smoothly, reducing downtime, and enhancing operational efficiencies

Enhanced operation and security management

Seamlessly identify and mitigate vulnerabilities, monitor network traffic, and automate workflow processes to protect against potential threats. Streamlining operations, it reduces complexities and mitigates against risk exposure

Cost savings

By reducing manual effort, eliminating redundancies, optimising resource allocation, and controlling digital assets on premise or in the cloud through a single platform, organisations can achieve greater cost-effectiveness and economies of scale in their security operations


Our unique Control module has been designed with security and compliance at the outset.  It’s a force multiplier with a no code approach as all the heavy lifting has been done by BlockAPT, enabling you to streamline your security operations, automate your response to threats, and enhance your security posture.

Centralised management and control

The centralised management and control capability eliminates the need for managing multiple disparate systems and tools across digital ecosystems. It helps to streamline IT operations, reduce administrative overheads, and improve operational efficiency.


Streamlined integrations

The vendor agnostic, centralised management and deep integrations across the full stack, consolidates IT infrastructures into a unified system. The platform integrates diverse security tools and configurations, ensuring a consistent and efficient security framework.

Role based access control

With the role based access control settings, organisations can facilitate a granular level of access control and identity management ensuring only authorised individuals have appropriate access to resources and sensitive data.

Unified visibility

The single pane of glass view across digital ecosystems provides intuitive intelligence and analytics into network activity, system logs, user access, and other crucial security metrics. 

Compliance and audit support

With centralised visibility and reporting, the BlockAPT Platform supports the compliance process and regulatory audits.  Security incidents are tracked with supporting audit trails to simplify the compliance assessment process.

Deep insights and intelligence

Organisations are more empowered to make intelligent data-driven decisions based on the insights gained from aggregated and analysed data – all from a single interface.

Use Cases

Phishing Attacks

Attackers often use convincing emails that appear to be from a trusted source to trick users into providing sensitive information or downloading malware. Traditional email security solutions may not be effective in detecting sophisticated phishing attempts that use advanced social engineering tactics.

SSL Certificates

SSL certificates are widely used to encrypt internet traffic and protect sensitive data from cyberattacks. However, managing SSL certificates can be a daunting task, especially in large organisations with many domains, servers, and devices.

User Access/MFA Failure Playbook

Secure user access and preventing Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) failures is critical for businesses – irrespective of their size. User access controls and monitoring are essential components of a robust cybersecurity strategy and can pose significant security risks if not managed in a timely manner.

The complexity of hybrid cloud environments introduces difficulties in maintaining consistent control, visibility, and governance across multiple platforms, leading to inefficiencies, security risks, and increased operational overhead.

What makes the BlockAPT Platform different?

The BlockAPT Platform sets itself apart with affordable advanced features and robust capabilities that can seamlessly integrate across the full stack with existing IT tools and solutions, such as firewalls, endpoints, and intrusion detection systems including other operational technologies.

Our customers have experienced minimal disruption to their business. The implementation of the BlockAPT Platform is seamless and with a low/no code approach, it can be deployed within an hour.

The BlockAPT Platform has been designed to accommodate future growth and adapt to changing business needs. It can be deployed on premise or in the cloud. Global central management is made easier with multi-tenancy and customisable options, including role based access controls and automated playbooks which can be tailored to meet specific business needs.

Data privacy is a top priority for BlockAPT, so we utilise advanced encryption methods such as TLS & AES, combined with stringent protocols and processes in place to protect against unauthorised access.

The BlockAPT Platform is usually deployed beyond an internal firewall and uses a hardened Linux operating system to protect against cyber attacks. High availability during an active-standby setup can be configured to ensure that in case of failure, the platform remains operational.

Yes – the Task Management feature provides comprehensive task management capabilities, streamlining your cybersecurity operations, automating routine tasks, and enabling more effective resource utilisation.

Our training and flexible levels of support (Standard, Advanced and Advanced+) are designed to fit in with your business needs. We realise one size does not fit all, so our training approach is to guide users through bespoke training sessions and have ongoing transfer knowledge for users within organisations.

Yes – the BlockAPT Platform enables real-time monitoring across the entire network with a unified single pane of glass view. Intuitive, customisable dashboards and reports provide advanced security analytics based on the insights gained from aggregated and analysed data, empowering organisations to make more intelligent data driven decisions.